Elevated Surface Cleaning
We specialize in state-of-the art cleaning services…
everything from window cleaning to elevated dust
removal…even power washing. We realize the value
of clean living and take pride in partnering with you
to care for your property.

State-of-the-Art Elevated Cleaning Services
We use state-of-the-art technology and techniques to clean your properties.
Trusted & Experienced
Elevated Surface Cleaning has been the premiere window cleaning and dust removal business in Minnesota for over 8 years.
Reliable & Fully Insured
Elevated Surface Cleaning is fully licensed and insured. Make sure to always check with any company you decide to work with.
School Window Cleaning & Elevated Dust Removal
Auditoriums, gymnasiums, theaters, cafeterias and many other public areas need High Surface Cleaning Services.
Commercial Window Cleaning & Elevated Dust Removal
Ideal for business owners, property managers or HOAs who lack specialized cleaning equipment.
Residential Window Cleaning & Elevated Dust Removal
Enhance the beauty of your windows, vaulted ceilings, chandeliers, ceiling fans and foyer!

Power Washing
How your business, school or home looks can make a welcoming, trusting impression.

Book a Cleaning or Customize a Plan Today